Constellations are a key mechanic in Astral Sorcery.
As of version 1.10.19, there are 16 constellations. 5 are bright, 7 are dim and 4 are faint.
Constellation types[]
Bright constellations are visible to the player and possible to discover from the beginning. They are the only constellations a player can attune themselves to, and grant perks upon doing so.
Dim constellations are only visible after a player has attuned themselves to a constellation. Rock and Celestial Crystals can be attuned to these constellations.
Faint constellations are only visible to an attuned player using an Observatory. However, they can be used to augment the rituals of other constellations.
Name | Appearance | Visibility | Trait |
Aevitas | Bright | Creation | |
Discidia | Bright | Offense | |
Vicio | Bright | Motion | |
Armara | Bright | Defense | |
Evorsio | Bright | Destruction | |
Horologium | Dim | Time | |
Lucerna | Dim | Light | |
Bootes | Dim | Herding | |
Fornax | Dim | Heat | |
Pelotrio | Dim | Convocation | |
Mineralis | Dim | Mineral | |
Octans | Dim | Ocean | |
Ulteria | Faint | Tenacity | |
Alcara | Faint | Resonance | |
Vorux | Faint | Ferocity | |
Gelu | Faint | Frigidity |