Enchanting in Astral Sorcery is quite different from the ways you may be used to. Here we use the power of Constellations to empower weapons, armor and even potions, to limits beyond normal enchanting or brewing. Try not to use books for these enchants though, as they tend to not work as advertised. It all starts with...
Stellar Refraction Table[]
The Stellar Refraction Table is the source of all constellation based enchants, and works very differently from a normal enchanter. The first thing you might realize is that it does not consume exp levels at all! Drawing the power of the stars has additional benefits as you can choose the enchantments as long as you understand what the Constellations being used do.
In order to build your Refraction Table the main material needed is Infused Wood, which is very simple to make. Simply throw any Log (not plank) into a pool of liquid starlight and it will transform into Infused Wood. This can be crafted at any normal crafting table to make infused wood planks and these planks can be arranged on Luminous Crafting Tables or Crafting Altars in order to make various single block structures from them. Once this is done, simply put the Refraction Table in an area where it has a view of the open night sky.
There are several things you will need to make use of the Refraction Table, Parchment and Infused Glass. Both of these materials should be relatively easy to make at this point in your Crafting Altar. Once made, go up to your Refraction Table and right click with the Infused Glass to slot it into the top, then shift right-click with the parchment in order to place it below the glass.
Etched Glass[]
All that's left now is to wait for your preferred Constellations to appear in the night sky, try to remember which moon phase they appear on! When they appear, right-click on your Refraction Table and you will be able to see them along the sides of the parchment in the UI. It appears to be very simple but don't be deceived! Properly lining up your Constellations so that small part of them overlap is key, but make sure they don't overlap too much as this will weaken their individual effects. While doing this you may notice that the parchment keeps burning up, to reduce this try etching the glass at around midnight and keep the Constellations to a maximum of three. Once you have your Etched Glass you'll be just about done! Just wait until night timeand slot the Etched Glass with the desired enchantments into the Refraction Table. Then shift right-click the weapon, armor, tool, or potion into the Table and give it some time!
Constellations and Enchantments[]
The amount of Constellations and effects may be a bit overwhelming at first as each Constellation has different potion, armor, weapon, and tool effects. But try not to be daunted by this, the combinations they can create are extremely powerful if done right!
*Additional levels of these do not increase their effects.