Astral Sorcery Wiki

The Luminous Crafting Table is a specific crafting table for items in the Astral Sorcery mod.

The table must be exposed to the open sky to work. When opened, the GUI shows the crafting grid, with a starlight meter at the bottom of the window when that needs to be filled to a certain level in order to craft an item. Different items need more or fewer amounts of starlight in the meter to work. To use it, place the items in the crafting grid, and wait until the desired item you want to craft shows up on the side of the grid in the GUI. You must then right-click the table with a resonating wand, and the item will pop out.

The table receives more starlight the higher it is in the sky, so it should be moved to a high place. Supposedly, Certain places "charge" the table faster than others. It is best to craft at night since that is when it receives the most starlight.

The Luminous Crafting Table can be upgraded into the Starlight Crafting Altar, which will directly convert the block into the altar rather than popping the altar off the table. However, this new altar will need a marble structure to work, which can be found in the astral tome. If you are in creative and want to quickly make the structure, shift-right-click the altar with a resonating wand.

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