Hold your resonating wand out at night(offhand or main hand, either works) and travel the world, you will see starlight rising up from the ground in the approximate area of the location of a Rock Crystal ore(if you can't see any keep looking, it is considerably rare). Go to the center of the glimmering area and mark the coordinates down(preferably making a waypoint using some minimap mod, if you do set the y coordinate to 4 Since Rock Crystal Ores only spawn near bedrock) and go mine them later. Using a pickaxe enchanted with Fortune will increase your yield substantially. It is recommended you get at least a Fortune III pickaxe(there are methods to get Fortune IV, V, and VI on a pickaxe using the refraction table) as it will reduce the number of ores you need to find in the future.
Drops Rock Crystals
Diamond Pickaxe required to mine
Aquamarine Shale[]
Naturally spawns in rivers and other bodies of water, found in sand clusters.
Drops Aquamarine
No tool requirement to mine
Having a fortune enchanted tool will increase your yield.
Aquamarine shale will also be occasionally created by the reactions of Lava and Liquid starlight filled Containment Chalices(Note: Place 2 Containment Chalices one block from each other, fill one with lava and the other with liquid starlight, produces lots of sand and occasionally some aquamarine shale shall will be produced, recommended to put hoppers one block around both chalices feeding to a chest to collect all the materials produced).
Starmetal Ore[]
Has to be formed by shining starlight from a Collector Crystal onto iron ore using a Linking Tool.